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January 9, 2023
- Latest developments in BOUT++ boundary plasma turbulent transport simulations, Xueqiao Xu, LLNL
- Diagnosing turbulence in the Tokamak divertor using STORM, Nick Walkden, FN
- Overview of the BOUT++ Code Structure, Ben Dudson, LLNL
- Tokamak disruption simulation and application of BOUT++, Xianzhu Tang, LANL
- A BOUT++ Extension For Full Annular Tokamak Edge MHD And Turbulence Simulations, Seto Haruki, QST
- Small ELM dynamics and its impact on the SOL width scaling, Nami Li, LLNL
- Linear simulation of kinetic Peeling-Ballooning mode with bootstrap current under the BOUT++ Gyro-Landau-fluid code, Pengfei Li, PKU
- Global gyrofluid simulations of turbulence in tokamak plasmas, Sehoon Ko, KFE
- The progress of the model development on ELM control with RMP and RF waves in ASIPP, Tianyang Xia, ASIPP
January 10, 2023
- StyleGAN as an AI Deconvolution Operator for Large Eddy Simulations of Turbulent Plasma Equations in BOUT++, Jony Castagna, UKRI-STFC
- SiMLInt --- Simulation and Machine Learning Integration, Moritz Linkmann, Univ. of Edingburgh
- Autonomous Multiscale Simulations, Peer-Timo Bremer, LLNL
- BOUT++ electromagnetic turbulence simulations of edge plasma dynamics during thermal quench, Ben Zhu, LLNL
- Physics of Turbulence Spreading and SOL Broadening, Patrick Diamond, UCSD
- Characterization of Turbulence and Transport in a Tokamak Power Plant, Chris Holland, UCSD
- Core-Edge Integration with Radiative Scenarios, Livia Casali, UTK
- Identification of multi-scale MHD and turbulence and their role in setting the diverter heat flux width in wide-pedestal quiescent H-mode, Zeyu Li, GA
- Divertor Modelling for SPARC, Thomas Body, CFS
January 11, 2023
- BOUT++ for stellarator applications, Brendan Shanahan, MPIPP
- Overview over the edge fluid turbulence code GRILLIX, Andreas Stegmeir, MPIPP
- The effect of divertor particle sources on scrape-off-layer turbulence, Qian Xia, UKAEA
- Investigation of plasma turbulence in tokamak divertor and its implications for plasma-material interactions, Maxim Umansky, LLNL
- Effects of neutral transport on plasma scrape-off layer turbulence in gyrokinetic simulations, Tess Bernard, GA
- Modeling RF-induced ponderomotive effects on edge/SOL transport, Tom Jenkins, Tech-X
- Simulation of plasma transport in linear plasma device MPS-LD by using BOUT++, Yue Wang, DLUT
- Development of the turbulence-transport coupling simulation framework for the edge plasma, TianYuan Liu, USTC
- Using Coupled Pedestal and Boundary Physics to Close the Integrated Tokamak Performance and Exhaust (ITEP) Gap, Philip Snyder, ORNL
January 12, 2023
- Hypnotoad, John Omotani, UKAEA
- Lessons for plasma software from the climate data analytics community, Tom Nicholas, Columbia Univ
- Progress toward a Python interface for DEGAS2, George Wilkie, PPPL
- The linear simulation of the plasma response of the RMP in BOUT++ framework, Bin Gui, ASIPP
- Plasma elongation effect on the parity change in electromagnetic ITG modes and the generation of intrinsic rotation in the tokamak plasmas, Helen Kaang, KFE
- Theory of drift Alfven wave instability and micro-tearing mode, Kaixuan, Fan, PKU
- USTC: Simulation study of the evolution of toroidally symmetric parallel current during ELM burst based on BOUT++, Taihao Huang, USTC
- The simulation of ELMs suppression by ion cyclotron resonance heating in EAST using BOUT++, Yanlong Li, ASIPP