Ben Zhu Wins 2024 DOE Early Career Award — A Milestone for the ABOUND and BOUT++ Teams
Dr. Nami Li Wins 2024 Director’s Excellence in Publication Award
Dear Colleagues,
Please join me in congratulating Mr. Jiacong Li for his recognition in receiving a student presentation award at 2016 US Transport Task Force Workshop, Denver, CO, March 29th-April 1st, 2016. The title of his plenary speech is "On the Physics of Intrinsic Flow in Plasmas without Magnetic Shear," a simple model for the generation and amplification of intrinsic axial flow in a linear device.
Mr. Jiacong Li, a physics graduate student of UCSD, has been collaborating with the LLNL on BOUT++ simulations for a UCSD linear device, controlled shear decorrelation experiment (CSDX).
2014 Nuclear Fusion Award - Announcing the winner
Nuclear Fusion announce that the winner of the 2014 Nuclear Fusion Award is P.B. Snyder for the paper 'A first-principles predictive model of the pedestal height and width: development, testing and ITER optimization with the EPED model.'
Pedestal height will have a dramatic impact on overall fusion performance in next-step devices. This outstanding paper presents a compelling model for the edge pedestal width and height based on coupling peeling-ballooning theory for stability and kinetic ballooning transport theory. Comparison is made to experimental observations across a range of devices and convincing agreement is demonstrated. This model, therefore, has the potential to significantly focus the predictions of performance in future devices.
The award was presented Monday 13 October, at the opening ceremony of the 25th Fusion Energy Conference in St Petersburg, Russia.
Access the paper on the IAEA website, which will be free to read until the end of March 2015. The shortlisted papers can be viewed via the announcement on the IAEA website.
Three students in BOUT++ team win "Best Student Poster Presentations Award" at International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference
Please join me in congratulating Mr. Jingfei Ma, Mr. Chenhao Ma and Mr. Josh Sauppe on winning the Best Student Poster Presentations Awards at International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (March 24-26, 2014) in San Diego, California.
International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference Program
Six awards in the amount of $500 each were presented to the best student poster presentations.
The award appropriately reflects the endless hours they have spent getting simulations done, preparing and presenting their posters. The titles of their posters are:
- J.F. Ma, University of Texas, "Global Two-Fluid and Gyro-Landau-Fluid simulations of the pedestal turbulence in DIII-D divertor geometry"
- C. H. Ma, Peking University, "Global gyro-Landau-fluid simulations in BOUT++ framework"
- J. P. Sauppe, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "Helicity Conservation and Two-Fluid Relaxation Modeling for Reversed-Field Pinches"
On behalf of our BOUT++ team as a whole, I wish Jingfei, Chenhao, and Josh unlimited success in the future.
Xueqiao Xu
Simulation Model Heads EAST
Research team takes high-efficiency computational approach to simulate short, intense plasma bursts on next-generation tokamak reactors
Plasma Blobs and Filaments:
Fusion Scientists Discover Secrets of Turbulent Edge Transport
Researchers use experimental data and simulations to better understand the behavior of fusion plasmas.
U.S. Burning Plasma Organization:
February 18, 2011