Title | Author(s) | Source |
Edge gyrokinetic theory and continuum simulations | X.Q. Xu, Z. Xiong, M.R. Dorr, J.A. Hittinger, K. Bodi, J. Candy, B.I. Cohen, R.H. Cohen, P. Colella, G.D. Kerbe, S. Krasheninnikov, W.M. Nevins, H. Qin, T.D. Rognlien, P.B. Snyder and M.V. Umansky | Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 47, 809-816 |
Theory and fluid simulations of boundary-plasma fluctuations | R.H. Cohen, B. LaBombard, D.D. Ryutov, J. L. Terry, M.V. Umansky, X.Q. Xu and S. Zweben | Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 47 |
Geometric gyrokinetic theory for edge plasmas | H. Qin, R.H. Cohen, W.M. Nevins, and X.Q. Xu | Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 14, 056110 |
Title | Author(s) | Source |
Continuum Edge Gyrokinetic Theory and Simulations | X.Q. Xu, K. Bodi, J. Candy, B. I. Cohen, R. H. Cohen, P. Colella, M. R. Dorr, J. A. Hittinger, G. D. Kerbel, S. Krasheninnikov, W. M. Nevins, H. Qin, T. D. Rognlien, P. B. Snyder, M. V. Umansky, Z. Xiong | 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference Chengdu, China, 16-21 October 2006 TH/P6-23 |
General Gyrokinetic Equations for Edge Plasmas | H. Qin, R.H.Cohen, W. M.Nevins, and X. Q. Xu | Contrib. Plasma Phys., Vol. 46, 477-489 |
Title | Author(s) | Source |
Progress in the peeling-ballooning model of edge localized modes: Numerical studies of nonlinear dynamics | P. B. Snyder, H. R. Wilson, and X. Q. Xu | Physics of Plasmas, Vol. 12, 056115 |
Structure, stability and ELM dynamics of the H-mode pedestal in DIII-D | Fenstermacher ME, Osborne TH, Leonard AW, Snyder PB, Thomas DM, Boedo JA, Casper TA, Groebner RJ, Groth M, Kempenaars MAH, Loarte A, McKee GR, Meyer WM, Saibene G, VanZeeland MA, Xu XQ, Zeng L, and Group Author(s): DIII-D Team | Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 45, (12): 1493-1502 |
Simulation of turbulence in the divertor region of tokamak edge plasma | M.V. Umansky, T.D. Rognlien, X.Q. Xu | Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 337-339, 266-270 |
Simulation of plasma fluxes to material surfaces with self-consistent edge turbulence and transport for tokamaks | T.D. Rognlien, M.V. Umansky, X.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, L.L. LoDestro | Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 337-339, 327-331 |
Title | Author(s) | Source |
Blob Dynamics in 3D BOUT Simulations of Tokamak Edge Turbulence | D. A. Russell, D. A. D Ippolito, J. R. Myra, W. M. Nevins, and X. Q. Xu | Physical Review Letters, Vol. 93, 265001-4 |
ELMs and constraints on the H-mode pedestal: peeling–ballooning stability calculation and comparison with experiment | P.B.Snyder, H.R.Wilson, J.R. Ferron, L.L. Lao,A.W. Leonard, D. Mossessian, M. Murakami, T.H. Osborne,A.D. Turnbull and X.Q. Xu | Nucl. Fusion, Vol. 44 320-328 |
Convective Transport in Tokamaks | D. A. D'Ippolito, J. R. Myra, D. A. Russell, S. I. Krasheninnikov, A. Yu. Pigarov, G. Q. Yu, X. Q. Xu, and W. M. Nevins | 20th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference Vilamoura, Portugal, 1-6 November 2004, IAEA-CN-116/TH/P6-2 |
Correlation of Density Pedestal Width and Neutral Penetration Length | X. Q. Xu, W. M. Nevins, R. H. Cohen, T. D. Rognlien, and M. V. Umansky | Contributions to Plasma Physics, Vol. 44, 105-110 |
Turbulence in the Divertor Region of Tokamak Edge Plasma | M. V. Umansky, T.D. Rognlien, X.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, and W. M. Nevins | Contributions to Plasma Physics, Vol. 44, 182-187 |
Self-consistent simulation of turbulence and transport in toka-mak edge plasmas | T. D. Rognlien, M.V.Umansky, X.Q.Xu, and R. H. Cohen | Contributions to Plasma Physics, Vol. 44, 188-193 |
Title | Author(s) | Source |
Transitions of turbulence in plasma density limits | X.Q. Xu, W.M. Nevins, T.D. Rognlien, R.H. Bulmer, M. Greenwald, A. Mahdavi, L.D. Pearlstein, and P. Snyder | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 10, No.5, 1773-1781 |
Observations of the turbulence in the scrape-off-layer of Alcator C-Mod and comparisons with simulation | J.L. Terry, S.J. Zweben, K. Hallatschek, B. LaBombard, R.J. Maqueda, B. Bai, C.J. Boswell, M. Greenwald, and D. Kopon, W.M. Nevins, C.S. Pitcher, B.N. Rogers, D.P. Stotler and X.Q. Xu | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 10, No.5, 1739 |
Experimental characterization of coherent, radially-sheared zonal flows in the DIII-D tokamak | G. R. McKee, R. J. Fonck, ..., and X.Q. Xu | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 10, No.5, 1712-1719 |
Transport by intermittency in the boundary of the DIII-D tokamak | J. A. Boedo, D. L. Rudakov, R. A. Moyer,..., and X. Q. Xu | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 10, No.5, 1670-1677 |
Self-consistent modeling of turbulence and transport | A.I. Shestakov, R.H. Cohen, J.A. Crotinger, L.L. LoDestro, A. Tarditi, X.Q. Xu | Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 185, 399-426 |
Corrigendum: Self-consistent modeling of turbulence and transport | A.I. Shestakov, R.H. Cohen, J.A. Crotinger, L.L. LoDestro, A. Tarditi, X.Q. Xu | Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 186, 360 |
Title | Author(s) | Source |
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Quasicoherent Fluctuations in Enhanced D Plasmas in the Alcator C-Mod Tokamak | A. Mazurenko, M. Porkolab, D. Mossessian, and J. A. Snipes, X. Q. Xu and W. M. Nevins | Physical Review Letters, Vol. 89, 225004-1 |
Simulations of Boundary Turbulence in Tokamak Experiments | W.M. Nevins, X.Q. Xu, et. al. | 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon (France) 14-19 October 2002, published as Web Document and CD-ROM, IAEA-CN-94/TH/P3-07 |
ELMs and Constraints on the H-Mode Pedestal: Model Peeling-Ballooning Modes | WP.B. Snyder, H.R. Wilson, X.Q. Xu, et. al. | 19th IAEA Fusion Energy Conference, Lyon (France) 14-19 October 2002, published as Web Document and CD-ROM, IAEA-CN-94/TH/3-01 |
Imaging and Reducing Turbulence at the Edge of NSTX and C-Mod | – | NSTX Program Highlights |
Dynamical simulations of boundary plasma turbulence in divertor geometry | X. Q. Xu, W. M. Nevins, R. H. Cohen, J. R. Myra and P. B. Snyder | New Journal of Physics Vol. 4 53.1-53.15 |
Turbulence Simulations of X-point effects on the L-H Transitions | X.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, W.M. Nevins, G.D. Porter, M.E. Rensink, T.D. Rognlien, J.R. Myra, D.A. D'Ippolito, R. Moyer, P.B. Snyder, and T.N. Carlstrom | Nucl. Fusion, Vol. 42 21-27 |
Application of Parallel Implicit Methods to Edge-Plasma Numerical Simulations | T.D. Rognlien, X.Q. Xu, and A.C. Hindmarsh | Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 175, 249-268 |
Edge localized modes and the pedestal: A model based on coupled peeling ballooning modes | P. B. Snyder, H. R. Wilson, J. R. Ferron, L. L. Lao, A. W. Leonard, T. H. Osborne, and A. D. Turnbull, D. Mossessian, M. Murakami, X. Q. Xu | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 9, 2037-2043 |
Drift wave instability near a magnetic separatrix | J. R. Myra, D. A. D'Ippolito, and X.Q. Xu | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 9, 1637 |
Effect of the B drift direction on plasma edge properties and the L-H transition in DIII-D | T.N. Carlstrom, R.J. Groebner, G.R. McKee, R.A. Moyer, T.L. Rhodes, J.C. Rost, G.D. Porter, X.Q. Xu, and W.M. Nevins | 29th EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. and Contr. Fusion Montreux, 17-21 June 2002 ECA Vol. 26B, P-1.061 |
Title | Author(s) | Source |
The BOUT Project; Validation and Benchmark of BOUT Code and Experimental Diagnostic Tools for Fusion Boundary Turbulence | X.Q.Xu | Plasma Science & Technology, Vol. 3, No. 5, 959-964 |
Overview of the initial NSTX experimental results | M. Ono, M.G. Bell, R.E. Bell, ..., X.Q. Xu | Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 41, No. 10, 1435-1447 |
Title | Author(s) | Source |
L-H transitions simulations in Divertor Geometry | X.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, T.D. Rognlien, and J.R. Myra | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 7, No. 5 1951-1958 |
Simulation of edge-plasma profiles and turbulence related to L-H transitions in tokamaks | T.D. Rognlien, X.Q. Xu, and R.H. Cohen | Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion Research, Vol. 42 A271-A776 |
Resistive X-point modes in tokamak boundary plasmas | J.R. Myra, D.A. D'Ippolito, X.Q. Xu, and R.H. Cohen | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 7, 2290 |
Resistive modes in the edge and scrape-off-layer of diverted tokamak | J.R. Myra, D.A. D'Ippolito, X.Q. Xu, and R.H. Cohen | Physics of Plasma, Vol. 7, 4622 |
X-Point heating, potentials, and temperature asymmetries in edge plasmas |
R.H. Cohen, X.Q. Xu, and M. J. Schaffer | Contributions to Plasma Physics, 40 No. 3-4, 437 |
MHD and Fluid Instabilities at the Plasma Edge in the Presence of a Separatrix and X-Point | J.R. Myra, D.A. D'Ippolito, X.Q. Xu, and R.H. Cohen | Contributions to Plasma Physics, 40 No. 3-4, 352 |
Turbulence Studies in Tokamak Boundary Plasmas with Realistic Divertor Geometry | X.Q. Xu, R.H. Cohen, G.D. Porter, T.D. Rognlien, D.D. Ryutov, J.R. Myra, D.A. D'Ippolito, R. Moyer, R.J. Groebner | Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 40, No. 3Y, 731 |
Full Spectrum Stability Analysis of the Tokamak Edge Region | P.B. Snyder, H.R. Wilson, X.Q. Xu, J.R. Ferron, L.L. Lao, M.S. Chu, E.J. Strait, and A.D. Turnbull | 27th EPS Conference on Contr. Fusion and Plasma Phys. Budapest, 12-16 June 2000 ECA Vol. 24B 324 -327 |
Title | Author(s) | Source |
Turbulence in Boundary Plasmas | Xu, X.Q., Cohen, R.H., Porter, G.D., Myra, J.R., D'Ippolito, D.A., Moyer, R. | J. Nucl. Mater., Vol. 266-269 (1999) 99 |
Scrape-Off Layer Turbulence Theory and Simulations | Xueqiao Xu and Ronald H. Cohen | Contributions to Plasma Physics, 38, No. 1-2, 158 |
First Parallel Results for a Finite-Element MHD Code on the T3D and T3E | A.E. Koniges, X. Xu, P. Covello, S. Plimpton and the NIMROD Team | Seismic Supercomputing, San Jose, published as Web Document and CD-ROM |
Kinetic effects on particle and heat fluxes in detached plasmas | O. V. Batishchev, X. Q. Xu, et. al. | Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 3, 3386-3396 |
Fluid simulations of nonlocal dissipative drift-wave turbulence | X. Q. Xu, R. H. Cohen, J. A. Crotinger, and A. I. Shestakov | Phys. Plasmas, Vol. 2, 686-700 |
Effects of Neutral Gas Collisions on the Conducting-Wall Instability | X. Q. Xu and R. H. Cohen | Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion, Vol. 35, 1071-1084 |
Electron-temperature-gradient-driven instability in tokamak boundary plasma | X. Q. Xu, M. N. Rosenbluth, and P. H. Diamond | Phys. Fluids B5, 2206 |
Erratum: Ion-temperature-gradient modes in noncircular tokamak geometry [Phys. Fluids B 4, 3216 (1992)] | D.D. Hua, X.Q Xu, and T.K. Fowler | Phys. Fluids B5, 1036 |
Fluid simulations of conducting-wall-driven turbulence in boundary plasmas | X. Q. Xu | Phys. Fluids B5 3641 |
Electron temperature gradient induced instability in tokamak scrape-off layers | H.L. Berk, R.H. Cohen, D.D. Ryutov, Yu.A. Tsidulko, X.Q. Xu | Nuclear Fusion, Vol. 33, 263-282 |
Ion-temperature-gradient modes in noncircular tokamak geometry | D.D. Hua, X.Q Xu, and T.K. Fowler | Phys. Fluids B4, 3216 |
Evidence of Stochastic Diffusion across a Cross-Field Sheath due to Kelvin-Helmholtz Vortices | S.E. Parker, X.Q. Xu, A.J. Lichtenberg and C.K. Birdsall | Physical Review A, Vol. 45, 3949-3961 |
Tearing modes in tokamaks with lower hybrid current drive | X. Q. Xu, M. N. Rosenbluth | Physics of Fluids B-Plasma Physics Volume: 3 Issue: 2 Pages: 363-371 |
Unified theory of ballooning instabilities and temperature gradient-driven trapped ion modes | X. Q. Xu, M. N. Rosenbluth | Phys. Fluids, B 3, 1807 - 1817 |
Numerical simulation of ion-temperature-gradient-driven modes | X. Q. Xu, M. N. Rosenbluth | Phys. Fluids, B 3, 627-643 |